Thursday, August 02, 2007

Goings ons

Everyday I ponder about what I am gonna write in my blog. I get frustrated when others don't update regularly, but I am slackin' myself. I feel really busy this summer between work and other activities. I find myself not really enjoying being in front of the computer, but wanting to be outside working on my garden, sitting on the porch, going for a walk. I get excited about a kickball practice because I get to be with friends, forget about any stresses, and get some good exercise. I go to the gym at least 3 times a week, and that's been good for me. I was applying for jobs a lot, but fortunately that search is over. My kickball team for the summer won the championship so that was cool! I am still trying to work on that painting on scrap metal, I just need good sit-down time for it. I am really excited about new music and always classic rock. Led Zeppelin has really brought a smile to my face on the way to work in the mornings. I am just so happy with life right now, good friends, busy, good job, new job, and wonderful husband. Well here is a picture of the updated painting, you can see how it started a couple of blog entries below. I promise to write more often now!


Templeton said...

I thinkt eh photo of the painting makes it look more complete. maybe we just need better lighting in there.

the cat is back said...

its lookin good Kellie!

b rendan said...

Good job and goodness sake! on everything!