Sunday, December 26, 2010

Snowstorm Dec. 2010

On my birthday eve, we get a crazy snowstorm...Templeton and I bundled up to go play in it. Saw some cars swerving on Granby Street, one pick-up truck get stuck in the snow. We went to a church playground and went down the slides which was SO much fun. Went to another playground and did the same thing. For artsy pictures, go to flickr
We came home and went to the backyard and discovered one of our favorite cedar trees that had a beautiful canopy above the corner of our deck snapped. We just have bad luck with we are going to try to let it fall naturally (the branches), in the meantime, we knocked the loose snow off the branches to take off weight of branches that didn't snap.
Temp climbed the tree to even get snow off...

broken tree branches


mommo/daddo said...

Looks like great fun! And such beautiful pictures! Enjoy!

Sorry about the cedar tree though.

Templeton said...

Such good times until we saw the tree. It's my favorite tree in the whole yard. Hopefully the damage isn't too bad and it will still provide some good shade for us this summer.