Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 15: 3 Scrabbles in Scrabble

So I am sick...again. My cold flu landed in my chest, so I am home playing games this weekend. Temp has beaten me the last couple of games of Scrabble, so I needed to redeem myself.
Somehow, my first turn I got a scrabble/bingo. (Where you use all 7 letters on your rack in one turn to spell a word--50 point bonus.)
The word was BELATED
THEN, my next turn I had another Scrabble. Very rare. The word is SURNAME. 3rd turn I had a normal word, MEND.
THEN, 4th turn, another Scrabble: URINATED.

Templeton swears it's the Robitussin that gave me the win. I don't know what it was, but we have never had 3 Scrabbles in one game.
Final score: 400 to 256
Still a great game played by Templeton.
Below is the final board.


Templeton said...

It is completely demoralizing for a game to start off like that. Nice work though Kellie. Next time I'm taking Robitussin too.

Anonymous said...

hope you feel better!! You guys both could whoop me in scrabble...i'm horrible at it!

Princess Betsy said...

How come your game board doesn't include words like "the" and "man?" Those seem to be the only words I can make when I play! Note to self: Do NOT play Kellie in Scrabble, with or without Robitussin! Hope you're feeling better!