Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Making art

So since I posted about making sketchbooks with my photo class, I was disappointed in the craftsmanship of the one I made. My kids made wonderful ones, so I decided to make another---that I'll use. So I made the sketchbook, a good handy size. Temp suggested I throw some 1"x 1" square graph paper in there to spice it up. So I did. My goal with this book is no rules. Layers of color, medium, drawing. Not feeling confined or the need for perfect lines. Being a graphic designer and animation, we tend to stay within the lines, and it's time to step out.

The sketchbook...I used handmade paper for the cover. Keeping it's hard to have a clean cover!

This was in response to Big Mama dying. I was feeling sick and frustrated so I cut up an image of Big Mama that I had printed for that watercolor picture. Glued it in, painted a bark-like background and splattered red paint on it. The pieces of picture are peeling up unintentionally, but I kind of like it, it reminds me of peeling bark.

I used the leftover paint from the tree page and just wanted to paint squares. Then I later drew the beaver which made me laugh because they like to chew on wood which is in the page right next to him. Art creates themes you don't even plan.
I call them "happy accidents".


Unknown said...

You are so AWESOME!!

Anonymous said...

"happy accidents" are great! RIP Bob Ross.